8x Pulse Oscillator
Omni-Logic Gate
Pulse Blender
Quad AND/OR Select Gate
1U Prime Sequencers
The cutest sequencers available
Schreibmaschine Modular
I launched my first line of 7 new synth modules at Superbooth 2021. Here you can find information about them as well as see what I have in progress.
Brainiac - Omni Logic Gate
The Brainiac is my first synth module. Logic modules are what got me into modular synthesis and I always dreamed of having one logic module to rule them all, so I made it myself.
It accepts 8 inputs and gives all the classic logical outputs (AND,OR,XOR) the Inverses (NAND,NOR,XNOR) and a logic gate new to modular* (Majority/Minority) which light up with >half or<half of the inputs are high
The outputs are dynamic in that they are based on the number of cables that are plugged in, so the Majority and AND gates change their truth condition based on how many cables are actually coming out of the front
*The Ladik B-030 is technically a “majority” module but it is really a >3 and >2 gate. Still a cool module though.
Binary Expander
The Binary Expander adds 8 outputs to the Brainiac.
It has two 4-bit binary numbers representing the number of inputs that are high and the number of inputs that are plugged in.
Explicit Expander
The Explicit Expander adds tons of outputs to the Brainiac.
You get >,<,=, != to numbers 1-8 and a Half/!Half output which I wanted to include on the base module but couldn’t quite get it to fit.
Pulsate Module
The Pulsate module is 8 independent pulse wave oscilators
There is manual control over the frequency and pulse width and a switch to go from a higher frequency to lower LFO territory.
Pulsate is good for making drones as well as driving logic modules, specifically the 8 inputs of my Brainiac module.
The pulses are centered at 0 volts which means if you mix them together they can cancel each other out which is a nice effect.
I’m working on a more full featured 8x oscillator with voltage control over everything and lots more waveform outputs but the Pulsate has its place as an affordable and tidy source of pulses.
Prototyping Tools
As I prototype modules I end up building tools to make things go smoother. I love Mutable Instruments’ Breadboard Friends but I found them limiting in a number of ways especially power distribution and the types of components the format supported. So I’m preparing my own standard building on what Émilie Gillet created to support nice clean prototyping and an increase in the types of components available to prototype with.
Improved KiCad Library
My first big open source project is the development of an easier to read symbol library for common synth components in KiCad.
Many specialist synth components do not have readymade schematic symbols or footprints and many common integrated circuits like the CMOS 4000 series chips have wildly different styles often with no regard for readability.
CD4068 8 input AND/NAND example
Use of standard AND/NAND dome shape
Labeled outputs
Separate power pins to keep main schematic clean
Consistent use of background color
Highlighted unused pins rather than omitting them